425.01.SR21.3 - Vibrasens Loop power sensor, Frequency range: 10Hz to 1000Hz; Vib Range:0-25mm/sec RMS, M12 connection; with M6 Mounting Stud without cable (Multiple vibration ranges available in Loop powered sensor. Price remains same for change in vibration range. Th

425.01.SR21.3 - Vibrasens Loop power sensor, Frequency range: 10Hz to 1000Hz; Vib Range:0-25mm/sec RMS, M12 connection; with M6 Mounting Stud without cable (Multiple vibration ranges available in Loop powered sensor.  Price remains same for change in vibration range.  Th
VIBRATION MONITORING 425.01.SR21.3 Vibrasens Loop power sensor, Frequency range: 10Hz to 1000Hz; Vib Range:0-25mm/sec RMS, M12 connection; with M6 Mounting Stud without cable (Multiple vibration ranges available in Loop powered sensor. Price remains same for change in vibration range. Th
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